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Control Panel Slider

The Control Panel Slider is a multi-purpose control used to change values such as volume and brightness. This is similar to the sliders on the current iOS Control Center screen.

Various sliders:



Minimum - double

Gets or sets the minimum value. Default is 0d.

Maximum - double

Gets or sets the maximum value. Default is 100d.

Value - double

Gets or sets the value. Default is 0d.

ProgressColor - Color

Gets or sets the progress color. Default is Xamarin.Forms.Color.Default

Orientation - ControlPanelSliderOrientation

Gets or sets the orientation. Default is ControlPanelSliderOrientation.Horizontal. Can be one of the following:

public enum ControlPanelSliderOrientation

ProgressBackgroundColor - Color

Gets or sets the progress background color. Default is Xamarin.Forms.Color.Default.

CornerRadius - double

Gets or sets the radius of the corners. Default is 0d.

EmbeddedImageName - string

Gets or sets the name of the embedded image.

EmbeddedImageOverlayColor - Color

Gets or sets the color of the embedded image overlay.

TouchedAnimationDuration - uint

Gets or sets the touched animation duration. Default is 240u.

TouchedAnimationEasing - Easing

Gets or sets the touched animation easing. Default is Easing.CubicInOut.

MaxShrinkPercent - double

Gets or sets the maximum shrink percentage. Default is .1d.

Example Usage


<aurora:ControlPanelSlider x:Name="control" Orientation="Vertical" ProgressColor="Red" ProgressBackgroundColor="Gray" EmbeddedImageName="xamarin.svg" />


var slider = new ControlPanelSlider
    ProgressColor = Color.White,
    ProgressBackgroundColor = Color.Black,
    Orientation = Aurora.Controls.ControlPanelSliderOrientation.Horizontal

Example Styles

A slider with ProgressColor of BurlyWood, ProgressBackgroundColor of CadetBlue, CornerRadius of 25 and Orientation of Vertical:


var slider = new ControlPanelSlider
    ProgressColor = Color.BurlyWood,
    ProgressBackgroundColor = Color.CadetBlue,
    CornerRadius = 25,
    Orientation = Aurora.Controls.ControlPanelSliderOrientation.Vertical
<aurora:ControlPanelSlider x:Name="slider" ProgressColor="#DEB887" ProgressBackgroundColor="#5F9EA0" CornerRadius="25" Orientation="Vertical" />

A slider with ProgressColor of DarkSlateGray, ProgressBackgroundColor of Firebrick, CornerRadius of 1 and Orientation of Horizontal:


var slider = new ControlPanelSlider
    ProgressColor = Color.DarkSlateGray,
    ProgressBackgroundColor = Color.Firebrick,
    CornerRadius = 1,
    Orientation = Aurora.Controls.ControlPanelSliderOrientation.Horizontal
<aurora:ControlPanelSlider x:Name="slider" ProgressColor="##2F4F4F" ProgressBackgroundColor="#B22222" CornerRadius="1" Orientation="Horizontal" />