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Linear Gauge

The Linear Gauge provides a straightforward, no nonsense gauge that can be accomdated to any application. Never has it been so easy to indicate progress!



StartingPercent - double

Gets or sets the starting percent.

EndingPercent - double

Gets or sets the ending percent.

ProgressThickness - double

Gets or sets the progress thickness. Default is 12d.

ProgressColor - Color

Gets or sets the color of the progress. Default is Xamarin.Forms.Color.Default.

Orientation - LinearGaugeOrientation

Gets or sets the orientation. Default is Horizontal. Can be set to one of the following:

public enum LinearGaugeOrientation

EndCapType - EndCapType

Gets or sets the end type of the cap. Default is Rounded.

public enum EndCapType {

ProgressBackgroundColor - Color

Gets or sets the color of the progress background. Default is Xamarin.Forms.Color.Default.


Task<bool> TransitionTo(double? startingPercentage = null, double? endingPercentage = null, uint rate = 16, uint length = 250, Easing easing = null)

Transition animation from the starting to the ending degree. Returns a Task boolean when the Task is complete.

startingDegree: Starting degree from which to begin the transition animation.

endingDegree: Ending degree to which the transition will complete.

rate: The time, in milliseconds, between frames.

length: The number of milliseconds over which to interpolate the animation.

easing: The easing function to use to transision in, out, or in and out of the animation.

Example Usage


<aurora:LinearGauge x:Name="gauge" StartingPercent="0" EndingPercent="80" ProgressColor="Red" ProgressBackgroundColor="Gray" />


var progress = new LinearGauge
    StartingPercent = 25,
    EndingPercent = 75,
    ProgressColor = Color.Orange,
    ProgressThickness = 25

Example Styles

A gauge with a StartingPercent of 10, EndingPercent of 60, ProgressColor of Blue, ProgressBackgroundColor of Black, ProgressThickness of 25 and EndCapType of Square:


var example1 = new LinearGauge
    StartingPercent = 10,
    EndingPercent = 60,
    ProgressColor = Color.Blue,
    ProgressBackgroundColor = Color.Black,
    ProgressThickness = 25,
    EndCapType = Aurora.Gauges.EndCapType.Sqaure
<aurora:LinearGauge x:Name="example1" StartingPercent="10" EndingPercent="60" ProgressColor="Blue" ProgressBackgroundColor="Black" ProgressThickness="25" EndCapType="Square" />

A gauge with a StartingPercent of 0, EndingPercent of 95, ProgressColor of Yellow, ProgressBackgroundColor of Black, ProgressThickness of 50 and EndCapType of Rounded:


var example2 = new LinearGauge
    StartingPercent = 0,
    EndingPercent = 95,
    ProgressColor = Color.Yellow,
    ProgressBackgroundColor = Color.Black,
    ProgressThickness = 50,
    EndCapType = Aurora.Gauges.EndCapType.Rounded
<aurora:LinearGauge x:Name="example2" StartingPercent="0" EndingPercent="95" ProgressColor="Yellow" ProgressBackgroundColor="Black" ProgressThickness="50" EndCapType="Rounded" />