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Gradient Color View

The Gradient Color View is an expressive way to add beautiful, blended views into any portion of your app. Perfect for backgrounds or any other area that needs a bit of flair.



GradientRotationAngle - double

Gets or sets the rotation angle of the gradient. Default is 0d.

GradientStartColor - Color

Gets or sets the start color of the gradient. Default color is Xamarin.Forms.Color.Default.

GradientStopColor - Color

Gets or sets the stop color of the gradient. Default color is Xamarin.Forms.Color.Default.

Ripples - bool

Gets or sets a value indicating whether the control has ripples.

TapAnimationDuration - uint

Gets or sets the tap animation duration. Default is 40u.

Command - ICommand

Gets or sets the command.

CommandParameter - object

Gets or sets the command parameter

Tapped - bool

Gets or sets a value indicating whether the control is tapped.

Example Usage


<aurora:GradientColorView x:Name="control" HeightRequest="300" GradientStartColor="Blue" GradientStopColor="#FFA500" />


var color = new GradientColorView
    GradientStartColor = Color.Green,
    GradientStopColor = Color.Purple,
    Ripples = false,
    GradientRotationAngle = 120

Example Styles

A Gradient Color View with GradientRotationAngle of 180 , GradientStartColor of BlueViolet and GradientStopColor of Crimson:


var color = new GradientColorView
    GradientStartColor = Color.BlueViolet,
    GradientStopColor = Color.Crimson,
    GradientRotationAngle = 180
<aurora:GradientColorView x:Name="color" GradientStartColor="#8A2BE2" GradientStopColor="#DC143C" GradientRotationAngle="180" />

A Gradient Color View with GradientRotationAngle of 25 , GradientStartColor of LightBlue and GradientStopColor of SandyBrown:


var color = new GradientColorView
    GradientStartColor = Color.LightBlue,
    GradientStopColor = Color.SandyBrown,
    GradientRotationAngle = 25
<aurora:GradientColorView x:Name="color" GradientStartColor="##ADD8E6" GradientStopColor="##F4A460" GradientRotationAngle="25" />