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Material Toggle Switch

Material Toggle Switch provides a switch in the style of Android's Material design.



InactiveThumbColor - Color

Gets or sets the inactive thumb color. Default value is Color.White.

ActiveThumbColor - Color

Gets or sets the active thumb color. Default value is Color.White.

TrackEnabledColor - Color

Gets or sets the enabled track color. Default value is Color.Green.

TrackDisabledColor - Color

Gets or sets the disabled track color. Default is #B0AFAF.

ToggleAnimationDuration - uint

Gets or sets the duration of the toggle animation. Default is 240u.

ToggleMaxWidth - double

Gets or sets the max width of the toggle. Default is 56d.

ToggleMaxHeight - double

Gets or sets the max height of the toggle. Default is 32d.

Command - ICommand

Gets or sets the command.

CommandParameter - object

Gets or sets the command parameter.

IsToggled - bool

Gets or sets a value that indicates if the switch is toggled.

Example Usage


<aurora:MaterialToggleSwitch x:Name="MaterialToggleSwitch" WidthRequest="80" TrackEnabledColor="Blue" />


var toggle = new MaterialToggleSwitch
    ActiveThumbColor = Color.Brown,
    TrackEnabledColor = Color.ForestGreen,
    ToggleAnimationDuration = 24

Example Styles

A switch with TrackEnabledColor of Black and ActiveThumbColor of Green:


var example = new MaterialToggleSwitch
    ActiveThumbColor = Color.Green,
    TrackEnabledColor = Color.Black
<aurora:MaterialToggleSwitch x:Name="example" ActiveThumbColor="Green" TrackEnabledColor="Black" />

A switch with TrackDisabledColor of Purple and InactiveThumbColor of Red:


var example = new MaterialToggleSwitch
    InactiveThumbColor = Color.Red,
    TrackDisabledColor = Color.Purple
<aurora:MaterialToggleSwitch x:Name="example" InactiveThumbColor="Red" TrackDisabledColor="Purple" />