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The Slider is a simple sliding control that mimics those found on other mobile platforms. It is flexible in its look and feel and can be used to track various values across your app.



ProgressThickness - double

Gets or sets the thickness of the progress slider. Default is 12d.

ProgressColor - Color

Gets or sets the progress color. Default is Xamarin.Forms.Color.Default.

EndCapType - EndCapType

Gets or sets the end cap type. Default is Rounded.

ProgressBackgroundColor - Color

Gets or sets the progress background color. Xamarin.Forms.Color.Default.

ThumbColor - Color

Gets or sets the thumb color. Default is White.

TouchedAnimationDuration - uint

Gets or sets the duration of the touched animation. Default is 240u.

TouchedAnimationEasing - Easing

Gets or sets the easing of the touched animation. Default is CubicInOut.

Minimum - double

Gets or sets the minimum value. Default is 0d.

Maximum - double

Gets or sets the maximum value. Default is 100d.

Value - double

Gets or sets the value. Default is 0d.

Example Usage


<aurora:Slider x:Name="slider" ThumbColor="White" ProgressColor="Green" ProgressBackgroundColor="White" />


var slider = new Slider
    Minimum = 20,
    Maximum = 150,
    ProgressColor = Color.Orange,
    ThumbColor = Color.Red

Example Styles

A slider with ThumbColor of Blue, ProgressColor of Red, ProgressThickness of 20 and ProgressBackgroundColor of Gray:


var slider = new Slider
    ProgressThickness = 20,
    ProgressBackgroundColor = Color.Gray,
    ProgressColor = Color.Red,
    ThumbColor = Color.Blue
<aurora:Slider x:Name="slider" ThumbColor="Blue" ProgressColor="Red" ProgressBackgroundColor="Gray" ProgressThickness="20" />

A slider with ThumbColor of Yellow, ProgressColor of Green and ProgressBackgroundColor of Gray:


var slider = new Slider
    ProgressBackgroundColor = Color.Gray,
    ProgressColor = Color.Green,
    ThumbColor = Color.Yellow
<aurora:Slider x:Name="slider" ThumbColor="Yellow" ProgressColor="Green" ProgressBackgroundColor="Gray" />