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Check Box

The Check Box is fun and functional way to add a variety of check box styles for checked items within your app.

By allowing you to change the color and shape, you can style the check box to easily match the theme of your app.



IsToggled - bool

Indicates whether the check box is checked or not.

BorderColor - Color

Gets or sets the color of the border.

BackgroundColor - Color

Gets or sets the color of the background. Default is Transparent.

ToggledBackgroundColor - Color

Gets or sets the color of the background once the IsToggled property is true. Default is Transparent.

CheckColor - Color

Gets or sets the color of the checkmark itself. Default is Black.

BorderWidth - int

Gets or sets the width of the border. Default is 6.

MarkWidth - int

Gets or sets the width of the checkmark. Default is 6.

CornerRadius - double

Gets or sets the radius of the corners. Default is 8d.

Shape - CheckBoxShape

Gets or sets the shape of the check box itself. Default is Circular. CheckBoxShape provides the following settings:

public enum CheckBoxShape

CheckType - CheckBoxCheckType

Gets or sets the style of the checkmark itself. Default is Check. CheckBoxCheckType provides the following settings:

public enum CheckBoxCheckType

Value - object

Gets or sets the value.

Example Usage


<aurora:CheckBox BorderColor="Aqua" XColor="Fuchsia" ToggledBackgroundColor="Purple"></aurora:CheckBox>


var checkbox = new Aurora.Controls.CheckBox
        CheckType = Aurora.Controls.CheckBox.CheckBoxCheckType.Cross,
        BackgroundColor = Color.Brown,
        XColor = Color.White,
        Shape = Aurora.Controls.CheckBox.CheckBoxShape.Square

Example Styles

A checkbox with BorderColor of Red, XColor of Blue, ToggledBackgroundColor of HotPink and CheckType of Cross:


var checkbox = new Aurora.Controls.CheckBox
        CheckType = Aurora.Controls.CheckBox.CheckBoxCheckType.Cross,
        ToggledBackgroundColor = Color.HotPink,
        XColor = Color.Blue,
        BorderColor = Color.Red
<aurora:CheckBox BorderColor="Red" XColor="Blue" ToggledBackgroundColor="#FF69B4" CheckType="Cross" ></aurora:CheckBox>

A checkbox with Shape of Square, BorderColor of Green, XColor of Black, MarkWidth of 20, ToggledBackgroundColor of Purple and CheckType of Cross:


var checkbox = new Aurora.Controls.CheckBox
        CheckType = Aurora.Controls.CheckBox.CheckBoxCheckType.Cross,
        ToggledBackgroundColor = Color.Purple,
        XColor = Color.Black,
        BorderColor = Color.Green,
        Shape = Aurora.Controls.CheckBox.CheckBoxShape.Square
<aurora:CheckBox BorderColor="Green" XColor="Black" ToggledBackgroundColor="Purple" CheckType="Cross" Shape="Square" ></aurora:CheckBox>