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Numeric Bumper Control

The Numeric Bumper Control gives the developer access to a simple number entry that is controlled by plus/minus buttons.

This is good for scenarios where the numbers can be incremented and decremented by a small amount as it gives the user a controlled and simplistic way to edit the value.



FontColor - Color

Gets or sets the color of the font. Default is Black.

Value - int

Gets or sets the value.

Minimum - int

Gets or sets the minimum value. Default is 0.

Maximum - int

Gets or sets the maximum value. Default is int.MaxValue.

ButtonColor - Color

Gets or sets the color of the button. Default is Xamarin.Forms.Color.Default.

BorderColor - Color

Gets or sets the color of the border. Default is Xamarin.Forms.Color.Default.

ThresholdCommand - ICommand

Gets or sets the threshold command.

ThresholdCommandParameter - object

Gets or sets the threshold command parameter.

ThresholdFeedback - ThresholdFeedbackType

Gets or sets the threshold feedback. Can be set to one of the following:

public enum ThresholdFeedbackType
            None, Grayed, Hidden

ThresholdGray - Color

Gets or sets the threshold gray.



<aurora:NumericBumper FontColor="Blue" BorderColor="Aqua" ButtonColor="Green" Maximum="6" Minimum="0"></aurora:NumericBumper>


var bumper = new NumericBumper
        Minimum = 0,
        Maximum = 15,
        BorderColor = Color.Aquamarine,
        FontColor = Color.Black