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Float Label Nullable Time Picker Control

The Float Label Nullable Time Picker is entry field for time that is manipulated by a picker. It has the added benefit of being able to be set to null, and therefore have no time.



EditingView - View

Gets or sets the editing view.

EditingViewHeight - GridLength

Gets or sets the height of the editing view. Default value is GridLength.Star.

ActiveColor - Color

Gets or sets the color of the active control. Default value is Xamarin.Forms.Color.Black.

InactiveColor - Color

Gets or sets the color of the inactive control. Default value is Xamarin.Forms.Color.DimGray.

Disabled - bool

Gets or sets a value indicating whether or not the control is disabled.

DisabledColor - Color

Gets or sets the color of the control when it is disabled.

ErrorColor - Color

Gets or sets the color of the error. Default value is Xamarin.Forms.Color.Red.

ErrorText - string

Gets or sets the error text.

ContentBackgroundColor - Color

Gets or sets the color of the content background. Default value is Xamarin.Forms.Color.Transparent.

Placeholder - string

Gets or sets the placeholder.

PlaceholderColor - Color

Gets or sets the color of the placeholder. Default is the default OS color.

BorderSize - double

Gets or sets the size of the border. Default value is 1d.

BorderStyle - FloatingLabelContainerBorderStyle

Gets or sets the border style. Can be set to one of the following styles:

public enum FloatingLabelContainerBorderStyle {

EditingViewMargin - Thickness

Gets or sets the margin between the text and control border. Default value is 2d.

CornerRadius - double

Gets or sets the corner radius. Default value is 4d.

TitleRowHeight - GridLength

Gets or sets the height of the title row. Default value is GridLength.Auto.

ErrorRowHeight - GridLength

Specifies the height of the error row where the provided error text will display. Default value is GridLength.Auto.

TitleFontSize - double

Gets or sets the size of the title font. Default is 11.

ErrorFontSize - double

Gets or sets the size of the error font. Default is 11.

AlwaysShowTitle - bool

Gets or sets a value indicating whether the control always shows the title.

UserEditable - bool

Gets or sets a value indicating whether the control is user editable.

Command - ICommand

Gets or sets the command. Default value is default(System.Windows.Input.ICommand).

CommandParameter - object

Gets or sets the command parameter.

FocusAnimationLength - uint

Gets or sets the length of the focus animation. Default is 250u.

HasValue - bool

Gets or sets a value indicating whether this control has a value.

Example Usage


<aurora:FloatLabelNullableTimePicker x:Name="floatingLabelNullableTimePicker" Placeholder="Nullable Time Picker" BorderSize="3" ActiveColor="Purple" InactiveColor="Green" />


var picker = new FloatLabelNullableTimePicker
    Placeholder = "Choose the time",
    ErrorFontSize = 8,
    BorderStyle = Aurora.Controls.FloatLabelEntry.FloatingLabelContainerBorderStyle.Underline,
    DisabledColor = Color.Red