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Flat Button

The Flat Button provides a button that will 'fill' with an ink effect as it is held.



InkColor - Color

Gets or sets the color of the ink. Default value is Gray.

RippleAnimationInDuration - uint

Gets or sets the ripple animation in duration. Default is 1600.

RippleAnimationInEasing - Easing

Gets or sets the easing of the ripple in animation. Default is SinIn.

RippleAnimationOutDuration - uint

Gets or sets the duration of the ripple out animation. Default is 1600.

RippleAnimationOutEasing - Easing

Gets or sets the easing of the ripple out animation. Default is SinOut.

CornerRadius - int

Gets or sets the corner radius. Default is 4.

Text - string

Gets or sets the text.

FontColor - Color

Gets or sets the color of the font. Default value is Color.White.

FontSize - double

Gets or sets the size of the font. Default is 12d.

Typeface - SKTypeface

Gets or sets the typeface.

Command - ICommand

Gets or sets the command.

CommandParameter - object

Gets or sets the command parameter.

Example Usage


<aurora:FlatButton Text="Flat Button" HeightRequest="44" InkColor="Navy" />


var flat = new FlatButton
    InkColor = Color.Green,
    Text = "Press Me!",
    FontColor = Color.White